
2025 Challenge Question: 

"In today's world, transportation encompasses physical movement of people, goods, and vehicles. Beyond the physical transportation of people, goods and vehicles, information technology such as the Internet provides the movement of data through networks; allowing for the cultural exchange between communities; historical exploration; futuristic speculation; and emotional conveyance. Identify a transportation or information technology you need in your home, school, community or state, and use STEM to develop an innovative solution to meet that need. " 


Submission Requirements

To participate in the STEM Challenge, each team will develop 1) a prototype/rough model of their solution, 2) a proposal packet that outlines their prototype and presents a compelling plan for its usage 3) a 5-minute elevator pitch (either pre-recorded or in person depending on showcase selection)

Please register your team by October 2nd.

The Prototype

  • Technological simulation, a physical prototype, a computational model
  • Must be transportable to the Statewide Showcase or virtually visible for the Virtual Showcase
  • Option to use recycled or reused items
  • Option to construct in a makerspace
  • Not required to be functional
  • If the prototype is not functional team members must explain within the proposal packet how it would work under ideal conditions

The Proposal

Proposal packets must include:

  • Executive Summary (1 page max)
  • Written proposal (10 pages max including executive summary) outlining the prototype design, development process and usage plan

The Proposal should:

  • Identify the problem
  • Illustrate the problem-solving process
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the proposal
  • Provide suggestions for modifications to the proposal
  • Test results
  • Effectiveness
  • Provide a budget analysis of materials and cost of prototype

The Elevator Pitch

  • No More than 5 minutes in length
  • Identify the problem, the solution, strengths, weaknesses, budget

2025 Important Dates


  • October 2, 2024 - Final Deadline for Team Registration 
  • TBD - Teacher Professional Development 
  • January 8, 2025 - Final Deadline to Submit Written Proposals 
  • January 9, 2025 -  Written Proposals Shared with Judges 
  • TBD - Travel Funds Disbursed to Teams 
  • January 22, 2025 - Final Deadline for Judges to Submit Scoring  
  • January 23, 2025 - Written Proposal Scores Shared with Teams 
  • January 31, 2025 - Mixer for Industry Partners and Teams
  • February 1, 2025 - Showcase Day at University of New Mexico Student Union Building (Albuquerque)